
【Notification of Non-Japanese Employees' Employment and Retirement】Twincities Labour & Social Security Consulting

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【Notification of Non-Japanese Employees' Employment and Retirement】Twincities Labour & Social Security Consulting

【Notification of Non-Japanese Employees' Employment and Retirement】Twincities Labour & Social Security Consulting


When Japanese workers are employed or leave their job, employers need to notify these facts to the public job stabilization office, generally called "Hello Work" in Japan, only when the workers should obtain or lose qualification of employment insurance.

When Japanese workers are employed or leave their job, however, employers need to notify these facts to "Hello Work" whether the workers should obtain or lose qualification of employment insurance or not.


When non-Japanese workers get or lose qualification of employment insurance, employers submit ”雇用保険被保険者資格取得届" (when the workers get qualification) or "雇用保険被保険者資格喪失届" (when they lose it); which is the same as when Japanese workers employed or leave their job.

It does not occur so much, therefore. that employers forget to submit these documents to "Hello Work".


On the other hand, when non-Japanese workers do not get qualification of employment insurance or leave their job, employers need to submit "外国人雇用状況届出書" (Notification of Non-Japanese Workers' Employment Status) when non-Japanese workers are employed or leave their job.

It should be submitted by the end of the next month when they are employed or leave their job.

(Cllick here to obtain the document.)


When non-Japanese workers who do not obtain qualification of employment insurance, it sometimes occurs that employers forget to submit the necessary document because of ignorance or carelessness.

It is imporant to note it to avoid forgetting to submit it.




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福岡県福岡市東区馬出1-23-25-1 コーポウィング101
電話番号 : 092-632-5480
FAX番号 : 092-631-0620




