
【Special Enrolment in Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance for Employees Dispatched Overseas】Twincities Labour & Social Security Consulting

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【Special Enrolment in Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance for Employees Dispatched Overseas】Twincities Labour & Social Security Consulting

【Special Enrolment in Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance for Employees Dispatched Overseas】Twincities Labour & Social Security Consulting


When employees originally employed in Japan are devoted to overseas business, they can specially enrol in industrial accident compensation insurance. 

In this case, the business carried out in Japan needs to be continuous, i.e., not fixed-term one.

If it meets this condition, the business carried out overseas does not need to be continuous.


When the company overseas which employees work for is large-sized, it is necessary that they are dispatched as workers, not exuecutive officers, to enrol in industrial accident compensation insurance.

On the other hand, if the company overseas is small or medium-sized, employees can enrol in the insurance even if they are dispatched as executive officers.


With regards to this insurance, small or medium-sized business is defined as follows:

- Finance, insurance, real-estate and retail business...Usually employes 50 or fewer workers

- Wholesale and service business...Usually employes 100 or fewer workers

- Other types of business...Usually employes 300 or fewer workers.


In enrolling in industrial accident compensation insurance, the company can select a basic daily benefit payment for each employee from the following:

3,500 yen, 4,000 yen, 5,000 yen, 6,000 yen, 7,000 yen, 8,000 yen, 9,000 yen, 10,000 yen, 12,000 yen, 14,000 yen, 16,000 yen, 18,000 yen, 20,000 yen, 22,000 yen, 24,000 yen, and 25,000 yen.


The insurance rate is single; 0.3%.


I recommend that the basic daily benefit payment basic daily benefit payment be selected based on the one thirty of the employee's monthly payment.


This special enrolment does not need to be applied for all employees dispatched abroad.


I reccomend using this special enrolment depending on necessities.


Our office accepts inquiries from the application of LINE.

Read this QR code and feel free to make an imquiry.






福岡県福岡市東区馬出1-23-25-1 コーポウィング101
電話番号 : 092-632-5480
FAX番号 : 092-631-0620



